The Greatest Gift

 G R E A T E S T G I F T

The story is told of a humble man who owned a nice piece of property with a little stream flowing through it.  He was happy but not content.  He wanted more.  One day he was down by his little stream and noticed something shinny in the stream bed.  He picked it up and admired it’s ability to reflect light, so he put it on his fireplace mantel and in time, forgot about it.  It wasn’t long before he decided to sell his place to finance his desire to seek riches.  Doing so, he left his little piece of heaven on earth and off he went to seek his fortune. 

Not long after moving in, the new owner noticed the shinny rock on the mantle and was also struck by it’s glitter.  Curious where it had come from, he began to explore his property until he discovered several more in the stream.  He placed them on his mantel and proudly showed them to all who visited. One such visitor recognized the rocks on the mantel for what they were and asked the owner if he knew what he was displaying. The man explained, these are diamonds!  It turns out that the 1st owner who sold his property to seek fortune was actually sitting on the largest diamond discovery in the world!

(true story! “Acres of Diamonds” by Russell Cromwell.)

The land had given an amazing gift- but the 1st man didn’t realize it!

As we exchange gifts at Christmas- do we recognize God’s greatest gift to us ? His son!

“For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John3:16)

1-Because of Christ who conquered death, we all will live again!

2-Because of Christ who taught us his gospel, we know the way to happier living!

3-Because of Christ who atoned for our sins, we have the amazing gift of repentance! If we are wise enough to use this gift, we can be forgiven! 

4-Because of Christ who revealed sacred essential ordinances, we can make and keep covenants which makes it possible to live with him as eternal families!

The list of God’s amazing gifts to us is a long list! However, the Lord reminds us, “for what doth it profit a man if a gift is bestowed upon him, and he receive not the gift? Behold, he rejoices not in that which is given unto him, neither rejoices in him who is the giver of the gift.”

(D&C 88:33)     

As you open your gifts this Christmas- we hope you’ll recognize the gems God has given you.  That you will Accept and Use those precious gifts from God. We pray that you will Pause to

give Thanks for God’s greatest gift- His Son!


Merry Christmas and Much love!

The Grandparent Chronicles


  1. Thank you so very much and MERRY CHRISTMAS with much love.


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